What is LEED?
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) stands as the foremost and most extensively employed green building rating system worldwide. It is applicable to virtually all types of structures and bestows a blueprint for constructing environmentally friendly buildings that prioritize health, efficiency, and cost savings. By embracing LEED certification, buildings can reap the benefits of environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and effective governance. This renowned recognition symbolizes global sustainability accomplishments and exemplary leadership in the field.
The LEED rating system comprises five environmental categories and two additional categories for inventive design and regional variances. It grants credits and points for various aspects, including energy and water conservation, as well as the use of environmentally friendly materials.
Although participation in LEED is optional, obtaining LEED certification conveys a favorable environmental image to the surrounding community. As sustainable design and construction, exemplified by initiatives like WELL Certification, become increasingly popular, it is vital to incorporate them into your building plans and initial concept to emphasize their significance.

Environmentaly Responsible Materials
Rogue Fabricators Inc. offers products that go beyond durability standards, making them the ideal choice for LEED material requirements that emphasize enhanced durability and minimal maintenance. Moreover, a significant number of our materials are recyclable once they have served their purpose.
Rogue Fabricators Inc. uses marine grade aluminum and stainless steel to ensure corrosion resistance and secure construction. These railings last 30+ years and their timeless designs means they don’t need replacement, helping to earn LEED credits for product lifespan.
Aluminum and stainless-steel products require minimal maintenance and can be easily cleaned of dirt and stains, eliminating the necessity of using environmentally harmful chemicals such as bleach, solvents, varnishes, or any other harsh substances.
Our systems are prefabricated to the greatest extent possible, minimizing onsite waste and improving the overall environmental performance of our product.

Leed Compliance
Based on an analysis of the Project, on a job to job basis, Rogue Fabricators Inc. products may contribute to the acquisition of a U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating. Credits that Rogue products may apply to include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
Materials and Resources Credit MR 3.1 or Credit MR 3.2 Salvaged, Refurbished, or Reused Materials.
Materials and Resources Credit MR 4.1 or Credit MR 4.2 Recycled Content Materials.
Materials and Resources Credit MR 5.1 or Credit MR 5.2 Regional Materials.
Indoor Environmental Quality Credit EQ 4.1 or Credit EQ 4.2 Low Emitting Materials.